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Human  vs.   Bird

  Eye           Eye

(You can change later) Now that we have learned about both the human eye and the golden eagle's eye, we can now compare the two to learn why the term "eagle eye" refers to having sharp vision.

The Golden Eagle's Eye

The Golden Eagle although extremely superior to ours, does share a few of the same things. Both of them share many things such as the pupil, iris, only two eyes, and many more basic eye structures. The Golden Eaglle does have many things exclusive to raptor eyes only though. For one, its eyes are positioned to the side of the head allowing it to see a massive 340 degrees of peripheral vision. Since their eyes are their weapon - they take up 50% of their whole head. While a human eye has two foveas in total, a golden eagle has four. A golden eagle also has two eye lids in each eye instead of the standard one the human eye has. One is to nourish the eye similar to ours, and the other is see through! This second eye-lid serves to protect the eye from dust, debris, etc. Something else golden eagles have is pectin. Pectin nourishes the retina. Their eyesight is also a lot sharper, a 20/5. Meaning that the Golden Eagle can see something from 20 feet that a human has to be 5 feet to see that same thing. More over the golden eagle's eyes don't stop there. They also have the ability to see UV light. This helps them in hunting, e.g detecting an animal's waste, and tracking them. Finally their cornea isn't stationary, it can bend and move in order to focus light, like a lens! Below is a venn diagram simplifying what I just said.

The Human Eye

Every human has two eyes. They are positioned in the front of the face and take up 5% of the area of the head. Each eye has a fovea, an area rich in cones which helps see details and color. They have a uniqe ability to see to the sides of the head, a unique ability called peripheral vision. This ability allows the human to see from side to side. Unfortunately, since the eyes are located at the front of the head they can only see 180 degrees to the sides. This may seem to be a lot, but compared to the Golden Eagle's eyes - our eyes are worthless. Below is a venn diagram that simplifys what I said.

       A Venn Diagram Comparing

   Human Eyes and Golden Eagle Eyes


The Golden Eagle is clearly more superior than the human in terms of eye sight. That is exactly why when someone refers to someone as having an eagle eye, they're saying they have an amazing, and sharp eye sight. In conclusion, the Golden Eagle's eye does share many of the same characteristics as a human eye - but does have many exclusive features. These features help the bird hunt, live, and thrive, in its much more challenging life.

As you can see the bird is constantly turning its head, scanning the area below it. We can't see it - but that eagle can see people on the ground in perfect detail.




"Facts About Eagle Eyesight: What Is Eagle Vision And How Do Hawkeye See?" N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2015.


 "Golden Eagle." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2015.


 "How Does Human Vision Compare to That of an Eagle? | LASIK MD." N.p., 04 June 2013. Web. 12 Apr. 2015.


 Short, Kelly. "Facts on an Eagle's Eyesight." EHow. Demand Media, 13 June 2011. Web. 12 Apr. 2015.


 "Venn Diagram." Venn Diagram. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2015.


 Wolchover, By Natalie. "What If Humans Had Eagle Vision?" LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 24 Feb. 2012. Web. 12 Apr. 2015.

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